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On Diablo 3


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Let's see... five classes.

1. A melee powerhouse (Barb).

2. A summoning caster (WD).

3. Some sort of mage.

4. A ranged combatant (think rogue / amazon, but obviously with different lore because of the gender thing).

5. Probably some sort of melee hybrid (paladin, assassin, ...)?


Overall, I think D3 is going to have a faster pace than the previous games... and I hope it's not so hectic that you can't really see what's going on. If there are too many swirling colours everywhere then it can be difficult to see what you're trying to kill... http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/2070/twistedevillz3.gif ...and the individual mobs lose their character. :(

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Well, according to my theory, the Witch Doctor will gain all the abilities of the Necromancer and more, so.....you WILL end up loving the Witch Doctor more.


we are ALL entitled to our own view Marcus it not just your own view that counts here its a whole load of other people as welll if Inkheart loves the Necromancer for the rest of his life so be it not you or me or anyone else can change that


Col John Sheppard

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OK, let me ask you this: if the Witch Doctor ends up having most or all of the abilities of the Necromancer and more....would you end up loving him more than the Necromancer?
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I'd still love the Necromancer more Wolfe

I'm sure many of us would

And i highly doubt the WD would gain all the abilities of the Necro to be honest

And again even if he did i'd still love the Necro more


And what is it with you and the necro anyway?

Is it like some kind of Phobia?

Seems like you hate the Necro more then death itself

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:confused: All he does is bring stuff back from the dead. According to Diablo lore, it was necromancers that caused the whole Diablo incident, as well as many of the troubles in the world of Sanctuary. It's not that I hate him, it's just that I can't find a thing to like about him. Especially with the Witch Doctor hanging around. But I'm fairly confident the Witch Doctor will gain all the powers of the Necromancer. Think about it: you people, the fans, the most important people of all, love the powers of the Necromancer. But the way things are turning out, it looks like he's not going to make it into the game. It's logical that the powers of the Necromancer, every last one of them, would be transferred to the Witch Doctor, for only a fool would deny his well-paying customers what they love most. Plus, it's like the developers said: There's no such thing as too much power!


Now, with that out of the way, we should move onto plot: We know from Diablo II that all all 3 demon brothers have been eliminated. So...who's the new culprit?

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Ok first he does a LOT more then bring things back from the dead Wolfe

And could i get a link to this "Lore" you've found

All i've heard says nothing about Necromancers doing ANYTHING to cause this...incident

And sure he might not make it into the game but who cares?

Die-hard Necro players will like the WD sure but still i'd think they'd like the NEcro more

And i STILL don't think WD will get necro powers


Now onto the plot after that is done


I dunno who/what it could be

All it says is whatever it is came down in the form of a Meteor




For the record...

This WD kick you're on is bordering on Obsession/Fetish

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