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On Diablo 3


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Speaking of PvP, I certainly hope they fix all the PK / griefer junk. Having a setting that can be chosen at game creation (and visible in the join game list) would be ideal. That way the PvP crowd can have their fun, and the co-op crowd can play in peace (with each other anyway... ;) ).


...and as for teaming up at the start, I plan on playing SP for a while just to experience the game in it's pure form (something I do with every game I buy). :)

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I'm planning on playing paladin if they have them and if they don't then I'll play whatever class is closest to the D2 pallies. if there are no classes simaller to them then I'll go druid/druid like class and if they don't have those I'm flatout not buying the game. I noticed most pallies had the spearmen from act 2 aswell. I personally prefered the fire mages from act 3. Their AOE's helped a lot.
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Now that I think about it....the only thing that the Witch Doctor has in common with the Necromancer is the undead state of his pets. Plus, wall of zombies. But who knows what may happen later in the game. He may very well end up with pets that are more like necromaced minions....plus, blowing up your own pets is very Necromancer!
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Like the posts above I think the witch doctor's fire bomb move, that looks like D2's assassins firebomb move. Yet Blizzard say pretty much something like "its a new class" (not helped by IGN or Gamespot etc), I say "word smithing" as the skills shown in the vid's and talked about above are just like D2's characters. Agreed there's only a few ways to throw a firebomb, but still calling it "new" when it isn't fully new is like saying a new car even though we have those...but you know what I mean right? :confused: .

For a class to be new it would need to be something that hasn't been done before, but alas...what is new these days.

At lease the witch doctors fire bomb should be a potion or something, as his/her? (wondering what a female witch doctor will sound like) character is more tied to the jungle stuff IMO.

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