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Chuck Norris V Most interesting man in the world


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NAHHH Chuck would simply use his Brain washing skills to win us over :teehee:and to forget the most interesting man, though Chuck makes sure he his though.. Edited by Thor.
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10 reasons why Chuck Norris will win over anyone or anyhthing :teehee:


1. He owns the Death Star

2. He has every weapon in the Universe

3. Hes emortal

4. He simply has to stare at you to kill you, if he really wanted to. In most cases he does.

5. Hes a master in all known fighting skills in the Universe and beyond, doesn't matter if its Alien in origin.

6. He plays Poker with Darth Vader every night and wins..

7. He doesn't need food to live

8. He can survive in space

9. He shoots laser beams out of his hands

10. He can change into any form at will.


Also, he can divide by zero :D My vote is for Chuck.

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The most interesting man in the world is not this guy, but in fact Jeff 'Skunk' Baxter from the Dooby brothers. He is a self-taught nuclear physicist who came up with his ideas to develop missiles based upon his knowledge of sound waves from his music. He went from a rockstar to someone who has high-level clearance in the Pentagon.


So between chuck and Skunk, I would still have to say Chuck would win in a fist-fight. Or were we talking about a different competition?

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Chuck invented Nuclear weapons, also invented cold fusion, cars, boats, plains, and all forms of transportation, also electricity :teehee:the list goes on.. :dance:


Also Chuck taught humans how to make fire :teehee:and language..

Edited by Thor.
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i say chuck


chuck norris was once bit by a cobra... after three days of excruciating pain, the cobra died


it is only a theory, because noone is stupid enough to atempt this, but upon punching chuck norris, your arm would explode into a million billion piece. once again, only a theory.

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Even in Video games, chuck glitches it himself. Thats why he's really not in a video game, because he cheats a lot. well you can't blame him really. its only part off his nature.



He programs it himself..

Edited by Thor.
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