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[REQ] Tales from the Crypt



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Mod Name: Tales from the Crypt

Idea: Live through the lives of various ghosts.


Activate gravestones for an adventure into the realm of the dead to see their past!


I got this idea while watching one of those (in my opinion) stupid ghost shows on TV. I'd do it myself, but am far too busy with other projects I'm committed to.


I understand there is not much content to this idea, and there doesn't need to be. Should someone develop this concept they can invent the people and who they were and recreate the scene in how they died or etc.

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this could actually be pretty good


you can make something like a very serious murder that you need to solve, and to do this you must relive as the victims, revealing the truth of the case

and this is just one of many possibilities for such an idea

i would definitely download such a mod, if it were done well enough

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