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Guard duty


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Well i love to walk around riverwood with full guard armor and roleplay a guard but like you could expect it quickly gets boring because there are never any raids or attacks


So my idea was that you could walk up to a guard of a town or maybe the chief guard of that town and become a guard (preferably riverwood to begin with) as soon as you do that randomly bandits will attack or wolves sometims this may take long sometimes its a entire raid but nothing to over the top or powerful (so it won't kill the entire town) and when you talk to a guard or chief guard again you can go off guard duty and stops the random attacks again


i would really love and appreciate if some one could make this

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no offense bro but that would be to boring and to long think of something like uhhh... beast bows or sword or mission or something more fun then we can have a long chat right know i want someone to make full metal alchemist brother hood mod with the people the story line the spell the transmutation the the state alchemist and the regular. oh and also you should check out the skyrim pet mod it awesome!
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no offense bro but that would be to boring and to long think of something like uhhh... beast bows or sword or mission or something more fun then we can have a long chat right know i want someone to make full metal alchemist brother hood mod with the people the story line the spell the transmutation the the state alchemist and the regular. oh and also you should check out the skyrim pet mod it awesome!


Well if i tough that guard duty would be boring then i would not request it and personally i do not care at all about weapon mods unless the are lore friendly and look right, nor do i care about pet mods if already checked it out and its nice tough but not my kind of thing


And the guard duty i mostly placed a basic example of what i always wanted and it can easily be expanded with quests


Like citizens walking up to you telling you the need help because there house is being robbed or quest to check out a nearby bandit camp things like that would also be nice

Edited by DHRmike
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I am currently working on a mod that adds different professions to Skyrim and guard duty is actually on my list, I dont know about having bandit randomly attack the town while you are on duty (because that would require to create an event and I am not good enough yet). But I was thinking of adding stuff like escorting a prisoner from a city to another,do a brawl with a bad guy or just guard the prison, stuff like that. I am not at that job yet but I know that I will probably add it at some point because I would like it as well.
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I am currently working on a mod that adds different professions to Skyrim and guard duty is actually on my list, I dont know about having bandit randomly attack the town while you are on duty (because that would require to create an event and I am not good enough yet). But I was thinking of adding stuff like escorting a prisoner from a city to another,do a brawl with a bad guy or just guard the prison, stuff like that. I am not at that job yet but I know that I will probably add it at some point because I would like it as well.


Sounds nice :thumbsup:

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