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Can LODs be animated?


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This is a question for either those who are modders or know about these things: can you have an animated LOD? Such as distant smoke? Or maybe the water and waterfalls can look a little more interesting, especially for those of us who prefer to keep the ugrids to 5.
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i thought you were goingt o say moving windmills...anyway umm... in theory it is possible to make an animated lod mesh, but since the very purpose of a lod mesh is to cut down on lag (otherwise if the mesh details would scale properly like other games, we wouldn't need them at all)then, imo it would defeat the point of having a lod mesh. :unsure: confused already? :whistling:
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If something like this was done selectively, for example, if it was only done with waterfalls at about 10-15 fps, that probably wouldn't do much to impact the framerate.
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@VileTouch: I was entertaining the idea of being able to burn trees and cause forest fires, in which a 2d smoke/fire LOD would be valuable.


@Rennn: I have to comment, since you're here, that I really like the SkyEarth mod. I've been running it for a while and it certainly adds to the immersion of the game.

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I liked Morrowind. it was so foggy all the time that you didn't have to worry about distant LOD and you never had things popping into existence or suddenly changing shape and position as the distant LOD mesh was being swapped out for the normal mesh.


It is just really lame that they pushed the software beyond what the hardware could do in a cosmetically appealing fashion while preserving functionality.

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