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Pre-vis/pre-combine and textures with mesh replacers.


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I've been trying to improve my performance in the downtown area by packing textures in ba2s. Now the big obstacle is the previs/precombine system. I get the general idea of what it does and rudimentary knowledge of how it works.


Most posts I've read about it makes the assertion that mesh changes break precombines. It makes sense and straight-forward, but I can't seem figure out a way to test it.


Right now I've got two texture packs that provide meshes: NMCs Texture Bundle and FlaconOil.

NMC adds a few meshes for RedRocket objects and FlaconOil for folders (I don't use the meshes that require me to turn add bPrecombine=0 or whatever to the ini-files).


My question is: do these mods break previs/precombine by replacing meshes?

Edited by Pumpeho
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About mesh replacers I cannot really say about that. I do remember hearing about that kind of stuff so I always deliberately avoid them. Example: I heard about Commonwealth Conifers, heard it can result in breaking precombineds so I stay far away from it. I might very well be wrong but I feel it's better to be safe than turning my game into a Powerpoint slide. I'm a settlements fanatic so breaking precombineds is a no-go for me. I suggest this mod list guide, it has personally helped me get some good performance even downtown with many texture replacers.


Fallout 4 Mod List and Load Order Guide (BiRaitBec Modlist)



Side Note: The NMC Texture Bundle you mentioned looks pretty interesting!

Edited by fftfan
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