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Question regarding website API usage on Nexus


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Hi! I'm not really sure where this goes as it's not pertaining to any mods but rather the Nexus website itself.


I am a new developer working with javascript and was wondering if the Nexus site uses or has an API that devs can use to grab information from for the purposes of making small apps? An example is sending some sort of Ajax request to the API and getting say a list of mods from a given game, or, to expand upon that idea, getting a list of the most recently updated mods for that game, in the form of JSON or something that way we can create some kind of HTML file that contains all this information on our own website. I wasn't really sure if we had one here since most places keep that information in some kind of "developers" section in the footer and I didn't see it so I figured I'd ask :)

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We have plans to document and extend the API that Vortex uses for much wider use for 3rd party apps and users alike.


This is on the cards relatively soon, we have some cleaning up to do and some functionality to add ( and remove) and some bugs to fix before we're ready. I'd recommend waiting for us to publish the documentation, which should be quite soon!

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