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CTD when having glass weapons in inventory?!?


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Hi, been playing many hours with the same mods but have had increasingly difficult to trade or pick up items from containers and corpse, i have done some researching on the mods i have installed but found no obvious reason to the ctd.


Since it only happen with inventory and always when im trying to sell weapons i have removed all mods adding new weapons but the problem didnt went away but i noticed the game crashed at roughly the same place when i scrolled or moved the mouse alittle bit to fast so i sold of the 3 GLASS weapons i had and now i can move around the weaponspart of the inventory without a hitch.


Can anyone explain why the game ctd's when i scroll fast and have GLASS weapons? and what i can do to fix the problem?



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warzones - civil unreast

sos the dungeons

sos the wilds

natural skyrim rain

real wildlife



skyre main

skyre races

skyre combat

skyre enemies

skyre standingstones


skyrimspeeds (change movement speeds)

sprint0 (no stamina use while sprinting)

uncapped perks (16 of them)

ufo ultimate follower overhaul

ufo alwaysdrawweaponms


water get wet

killmove control


skyre plugin dragonboneweaponscomplete

And som highres textures, hq worldmap



Edited by fghjhgfdfgh
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SkyRe uses the old Ressources of Weapon of the 3rd Era. In this, there is a Glass Scimitar mesh that's responsible for your crashes.

The new Author has fixed this isuue, but T3nd0 (SkyRe's Author) isn't allwoed to use this.

What you can do is one simple thing.


Go download the newer Weapons of the Third Era MoS edition mod, search for the scimitar_glass.nif (meshes/74_w/scimitars or something like that) and drop it in your data folder.

Overwrite your old file and hopefully your crashes are now gone ;)

Edited by Dingenskirchen
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