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Who are the "Good Guys" in this war?



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  1. 1. Which faction should I join?

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Why don't i have the option "None"?


Why do you assume that you don't? Just don't join either faction and when you do the main quest you will mediate the two groups based on your status as dragonborn. You never have to join either side unless you're one of those people who gets all fussy about their quest log.

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Not sure how anyone can say the Empire was in a strong position when they basically accepted by some accounts the very offer they refused which led to the war to begin with.


Lets put this into perspective here. If the Empire wasn't weak, who in their right mind would sign up to fight for the Empire now knowing full well they are likely to just risk their lives for absolutely nothing?


Personally, I don't know how they continue to field an army after that.


I m not saying that the empire is guaranteed, I am saying that they probably have better chances than the stormcloaks, thus I side with them.

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lets look at the WGC this way-Mede had two options when it came to the WGC:

  1. Continue the war, drafting multiples of farmers/merchants/mercenaries/ETC. and probably cause more unrest in the Empire, when those children/parents/spouses/etc. are killed in Action.
  2. Sign the WGC and hope that they can prepare for war in a secret way and catch the Thalmor off guard and force them to surrender all territory back to Empire, including Alinor.


so, now which choice looks like it will save more lives in the LONG run?



How can the Empire regain it's strength "in a secret way" when they allow agents of a foreign power to infiltrate almost every strata of society?


The AD knows every move the Empire is making, knows exactly how many men it has under arms, knows...probably to the day...when the Empire will be strong enough (on paper) to confront it.


By contrast the Empire knows nothing about the Thalmor.


How can anyone align themselves with a government that cedes authority over its sovereignty and judicial system to a hostile power?


Ban Ki Moon (RL UN) today said something to the effect that any government that allow the killing of innocents has lost all claim to humanity (speaking about Syria).


How much moreso a government that not just allows but aids and abets the killing of innocent citizens? That looks the other way while a hostile, foreign power sets up its own shadow judicial system which tortures and beheads citizens.


I can't find any sense of honour in the Empire. Especially not after parading this lame excuse of "biding their time" all the while colluding with the AD for 30 years...and no sign any change for the next generation.


By the time the Empire grows a pair...even if it is tomorrow...the generation that fought the AD will have mostly passed away. Anyone who remembers what it was like to be free of religious persecution and Secret Police tactics as a common part of life will be gone and forgotten.


Good luck with the "secret way."

Edited by MacSuibhne
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Warden, arguing hypothetical scenarios is pointless. There is no lore and it makes the pro-empire side look weak by extension of the poor argument. Now, it is known that the dominion peace is eroding quickly, and it is known that the empire has superior resources to the resources of skyrim (if only be the basic use of common sense) thus it is safe to assume that they have the better chance during a fight against the dominion, so siding with them is best.



NOW, if the dominion were to keep the peace for a significant chunk of time, skyrim would be better off with the stormcloaks since they would have the TIME to assemble the proper resources to fight. As it stands, the war is a very real, immediate threat, or at least must be assumed to be so.

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Mede could allow some legionaries to "retire" with discreet orders to train "mercenaries" then recruit them suddenly. training an army without actually training an army.


He isn't going to feed them? He isn't going to provide them with weapons...or training?


Or maybe he'll erect 12 foot high steel link fence around an area as big as Groom Lake (Area 51) with signs that say "We'll kill you if we have to!" to keep the roving bands of Thalmor from getting close enough to hear about long trains of food and clothing and medicine and so forth arriving...much less actually getting a peek at what's in the valley below.


Go on...pull the other one.


Yes Mede made the right call if you reckon appeasement, collusion and betrayal of friends and citizens the right call.

Edited by MacSuibhne
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Mac, you have argued pro stormcloak, but would you mind telling me why the stormcloaks are, from a strategic position, better suited to defeating the altmeri than the empire. Let's assume the attack is at dawn tomorrow, since war assumes that attacks are around every corner.
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Mede could allow some legionaries to "retire" with discreet orders to train "mercenaries" then recruit them suddenly. training an army without actually training an army.


He isn't going to feed them? He isn't going to provide them with weapons...or training?


Or maybe he'll erect 12 foot high steel link fence around an area as big as Groom Lake (Area 51) with signs that say "We'll kill you if we have to!" to keep the roving bands of Thalmor from getting close enough to hear about long trains of food and clothing and medicine and so forth arriving...much less actually getting a peek at what's in the valley below.


Go on...pull the other one.


Yes Mede made the right call if you reckon appeasement, collusion and betrayal of friends and citizens the right call.



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So some people are "expendable"...like the poor sods picked up by Thalmor patrols for worshiping their gods and tortured and beheaded?


Not to mention the others slated for execution in the Thalmor Embassy basement for who knows what crimes...certainly the Imperial Judiciary system has no say in it.

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