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Various Issues


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Hi there!


As you should know by now, I am having various Issues with Oblivion (d'uh).


First off, I used the search function and Google, but I couldn't find anything of use.


1.) The one that bugs me most ATM is that whenever my character or any other NPC enters a bright Place, his/her hair disappear for as long as he/she stays there.

A very good example is the NPC at "the guilded caraffee" in the Market District of the Imperial City.



Here are a few screens:


http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/976/oblivion200807311816580qp5.th.png http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/3538/oblivion200807311816525ul2.th.png http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/4884/oblivion200807311817594bh4.th.png


As you can observe, it mostly depends how "enlightened" the space is, or how near you are to a source of light.



The problem does not occur when I have HDR disabeled, as I just figured out. So, is there any way to play this game

with HDR and the Hair being shown properly in bright places?



Here is the list of mods I am using through activation in OBMM, in this Load Order:




Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp





NPC Static Level.esp



Tamriel VWD v.0.5.esp

Living Economy - Items.esp

Living Economy.esp

Visually Realistic Deadly Lava.esp

Dude Wheres My Horse.esp

Streamline 3.0.esp


Alterantice Start by Robert Evrae.esp





--- Also: BTMod


I have to say, all the screenshots were made with the above mods not activated, but I thought I should post them anyway because some

add other files like textures and meshes too, as you know.



Now to the mods which are only adding meshes, textures, etc.:


RPG-BlackDragons ATI3.0 Shader


Realistic Physics and Force Package 5197



I also thought that it would be useful posting a few changes to the Oblivion.ini I made:





And that's it.



2.) Another Question concerning the .ini and in-game graphic settings:

How can I prevent Oblivion from Reseting the graphic settings to much lower ones,

after maximizing them and having low fps.


Everytime I maximize those settings and return to game, the settings are shortly

accepted, but less than a second after that, Oblivion sets them much lower.

(Pretty good Observable with view Grass distance).


Is there any setting in the Oblivion.ini with wich i can prevent this? Or is my only

possibility to maximize those settings manually in the .ini and make it write-protected?



Forgot to post my system specs, could be useful.. I hope :thumbsup:


Windows XP Professional

ATI Radeonx1900xtx

2.4 ghz dual core processor

2GB Ram



Any help will be appreciated!





last update:


It seems like using the original shader016 file instead of the RPG Black Dragon's fixed the problem.

sorry for wasting your time. :confused:

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