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mod help and suggestions


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anyone have any mod ideas and any ideas to get the mods i have to work.

one of the mods that isnt working is nvse.. FMM reads it as installed but none of the mods that use it will read it but the verabird mod any ideas on that

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Not much info to go on here. :rolleyes:


NVSE is not mod and does not install like a mod. If you don't read the instructions you will probably get it wrong.

It is a script extender and MUST be started before the game EVERY time. There is a built in function for that in NMM - If you don't know how to activate it. There is a small arrow to the right of the 'Launch Fallout New Vegas' in the upper left of the NMM screen. click on that arrow. from the dropdown menu select 'Launch NVSE' that will allow starting the game with NVSE active - IF you start the game EVERY time in that way using NMM.


Now, what MODs are you having a problem with?

What game version? What other utility programs do you use? (Such as BOSS)

Did you read the readme for that particular mod?

Do you have all of the required stuff - such as a DLC or some other mod that may be required?

What exactly is the problem? (Computer explodes when this mod is used? NPC robs player of all caps? Object fails to appear where the author said it should?)

What happens when you install them? Do they show in the mods list? Do they show in the Plugins list?

Did you activate them in NMM? (Box has to have a check mark)

What happens in game?

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