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A female khajiit and argonian female followers who sound like they&#39


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Hey sorry if this is already a topic but im working on making new followers. however when i use the respective voices the events do not come up. one case if you use the khajiit female voice, in game there is no option to add her as a companion. i'm looking for a way to use the things they already say to fill in the gaps so you can add them with theyre original voices, example you ask to trade with them, they should respond "take a look" like when your buying something or when you ask them to join they should give you that line about "even in this land of bitter cold or we should do buissnes again" same goes for argonian but it mite be slim picking for them since i think theres only one argonian in the game, not much there. still im new to the creation tool any info or help would greatly be apparicated. Thank-you.
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Just set their voice type to "Argonian / Khajiit female default" or something like that, in the NPC editor where you also pick the race. Skyrim has voice files for all default dialogue, so this should work.
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Just set their voice type to "Argonian / Khajiit female default" or something like that, in the NPC editor where you also pick the race. Skyrim has voice files for all default dialogue, so this should work.


Sorry i tried that but to no avail

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I've got a mod for that.




Skyrim is awfully choosey about who you can have as a follower. You can have Mjoll as a follower (She has the nord voice type), but you can't have a follower who has the nord voice type without being Mjoll.


My mod fixed that by editing a couple of form lists, and adding some silent dialogue to avoid that awful "Flash" effect when dialogue with no sound files is initiated.

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Thanks i can add them now as a follwer, however its sorta half of what im trying to do. for the empty spaces with no audio im trying to fill them with things they already say. so instead of "what do you want me to carry" they would say "take a look" at least the khajiit. kinda like reusing certain phases that work in other situations. if that makes sense.....either way thanks for the quick responds.
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