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Creepy and satanic Solitude


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Ok, this is something that happened to me 2 days ago. It was 5AM and there was no sun. I was in my room alone, listening to very loud music.

So, I was playing Skyrim like I do for the past few weeks with my new character named Whitfield (in honor of Andy Whitfield).

After a long fight with some giants and some mammoths I went to Whiterun and saved my game. I was out of Iron Ingots for my new sword, so I tought:

"Hmmm, I think I will go to Solitude and steal some from the blacksmith". I left Whiterun by foot and took the carriage to Solitude.

When I got there the sun was setting, I was walking normally in the direction of the main gate when the guard said something about

joining the Empire, usual stuff. I was approaching the gate and when I get really close, my computer restarts.

I waited so I could start Skyrim, everything was normal, so I tought it was just the CPU or something random.

When I got in-game the sound was on, and that was very odd, since it wasn't before(as I said I was listening to music).

I turned it off. By that point my last save was back at Whiterun, after the fight with the giants. I went to the carriage again

and then to Solitude.


I got there and the sun was setting, pretty much the same as before, the guard said the same thing when I got

past him, but there was something really odd about the flag by the right side of the main gate; It wasn't like

the other one, it had some flickering dark lines all over it. So, I went to check... my computer restarted again.

I almost s*** myself, I was really scared, I left the room immediatly and went to the front room, I watched TV under the blankets for

3 straight hours, without moving, until my sister woke up and we went to the kitchen.


After that everything went back to normal so I think it was some kind of glitch with the meshes/texture of the flag(I use a lot of mods and I really don't know about that

stuff). I don't know about the restarts tough, maybe the CPU was too hot(I share this computer with my brother so we rarelly turn it off), I really don't know. This is not a creepypasta or anything, It really happened and I'm really scared to play again, if I ever play again I will never go to Solitude

, no matter what, that s*** was f***in' satanic. I tried to keep the text as objective as possible, since my english is not

very good. This post remains here as a testimony.


OBS: I posted it here because it's the only Skyrim community I ever visited, I don't know if that's the proper section, if it's not I'm sorry.

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maybe the CPU was too hot(I share this computer with my brother so we rarelly turn it off),


that is your answer (it might have been the GFX card but from the symptoms described it sounds like overheating)


google fan control for your card and you should find something that will let you turn the GFX card fan up to 100% and keep it there so your card doesn't overheat

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maybe the CPU was too hot(I share this computer with my brother so we rarelly turn it off),


that is your answer (it might have been the GFX card but from the symptoms described it sounds like overheating)


google fan control for your card and you should find something that will let you turn the GFX card fan up to 100% and keep it there so your card doesn't overheat



Well, that, or.... SATAN :devil: I like the latter story myself :ohdear:

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