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Can you add an "Invisible wall" in the Creation kit?


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You can use a collision box to block the player and a trigger box for a "You cannot go this way" message. With the trigger box positioned slightly in front of the collision box add a script to the trigger box like this.


Scriptname OutofBoundsScript extends ObjectReference

Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
	If(akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()) 
		Debug.Notification("You cannot go this way")


I know that this a few years off but I need an invisible wall as well for one of my Skyrim areas. I want to use the Papyrus code above since it seemed to have worked for my own situation but for some wierd reason, the compilation fails because it cannot find some TESV_Flags something. Please help me, I have already setup the collision box and the trigger using "defaultTrigger".

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You can use a collision box to block the player and a trigger box for a "You cannot go this way" message. With the trigger box positioned slightly in front of the collision box add a script to the trigger box like this.



Scriptname OutofBoundsScript extends ObjectReference

Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
	If(akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()) 
		Debug.Notification("You cannot go this way")


I know that this a few years off but I need an invisible wall as well for one of my Skyrim areas. I want to use the Papyrus code above since it seemed to have worked for my own situation but for some wierd reason, the compilation fails because it cannot find some TESV_Flags something. Please help me, I have already setup the collision box and the trigger using "defaultTrigger".


Look in your data folder for an archive called scripts.rar. Extract the files and drop the source folder into your Skyrim/Data/Scripts/Source folder. After the update that's how the vanilla source scripts and Papyrus Flags were delivered. You may have to reinstall the SKSE scripts also.

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try using a pause before Teleporting and have the message come up just before the player FadeOut and move to your new location. Its a trick I use to cast a magic effect on my player when he/she teleports I believe it would also work with a Message. Its not my idea actually its one of DarkFox127's. He has some great Tut.


Here's an example you might try:

Scriptname UnauthorizedEntryScript ObjectReference
ObjectReference Property Loc Auto ; This is the Xmarker created at the Location where the teleportation script send the player
Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
IF akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer();Just a check to make sure its the Player that activates the teleportation script.
Debug.Messagebox("UnauthorizedEntry You will be teleported to >>>>>");Put what ever message you want
Utility.Wait(1.5);This will pause the game and allow the player to see the message
Game.FadeOutGame(False, True, 2.0, 1.0);You will slowly fade over 2sec taken only 1 to completely fade
Game.GetPlayer().Moveto(Loc); move player to Loc
Game.EnableFastTravel();This allow FastTravel where you have set your trigger up
Game.FastTravel(Loc);This will also move any followers with the player


Attach script to a Trigger Box eg OntriggerEnter()


I used something similar with a portal gate using a trigger box to offer the player a menu offering different location the player might want to teleport to. This script is a lot smaller and will allow the player to see what you need them to see but as soon as the player enters the triggerbox a message will popup an then the player will be teleported to the new location.

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