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Missing File!?


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This is kinda e-tarded. I installed Nexus Mod Manager onto my laptop where I have Steam installed on the second partition of my hard drive. I re-partitioned my 350GB HD on my laptop into 3 separate partitions and all of my games files reside on the "D:\" drive. Why do I do this? I dual boot with Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTE and sometimes I also, just for fun, like to completely wipe out and re-install Windows 7 on a regular basis. I keep my game files on a separate partition so I do not have to re-download and re-install game files.


Anyways, after installing Nexus Mod, it so kindly informs me that I am missing a file:


"C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\skyrim.esm.

This file is present in all legitimate installs of Skyrim, so either you have deleted the file, or you pirated Skyrim.

Please reistall Skyrim, or buy Skyrim then reinstall it."


Um...well duh. stupid program. That's because not everybody in the world follows normal conventions and a cookie-cutter set-up.

That particular file on my computer is located at D:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\skyrim.esm and I SHOULD be able to tell you that. But I can not because you do not have a "browse to file" function where I could specify that. And, you, nexus mod manager, are not intelligent enough to look outside the box and search for it either. So...instead...you are running in an endless loop that will not close insisting that I am a pirate.


And yes, I do back up my C:\ drive but I do not want to include all of my game files in the backup as it it already takes four hours to restore the backup of my Windows 7 and installed programs as it is.


And the ironic thing is, I was not even looking for mods for Skyrim - I get those through Steam. I was wanting mods for Dragon Age Ultimate.


My solution: kill the process and uninstall.

Edited by z3r0bin4ry
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I also install all my games on my D: drive. I do not believe the Nexus Mod Manager is designed to give you that error that way it seems to be an error.


I don't use the Nexus Mod Manager, though, myself. We don't mind if you don't.

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