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NPC faces mods not working?


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I've recently been trying to install a few mods altering NPC faces.

However, whatever the mod I use, they don't seem to work. I'm assuming the problem is on my side :tongue: .


What i can see is that the skin tone is altered and the tatoos of the NPC disappear. But aside from that, nothing change (shape of the face, eyes etc).


Do you have any idea what could be my problem?

I thought about archive invalidation but I think it's not necessary in Skyrim. Or an ini setting, but i don't know...


Thank you !

Edited by Mysterius
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I'm assuming the appearance alteriing mods have esps? Do you have any other plugins that alter anything to do with NPCs? If so, try switching up your load order so the appearance-altering one loads latest.
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Damn... that's all I got. Hopefully someone else can chime in. Fwiw, I looked into the archive invalidation thing awhile back when I moved from FONV to Skyrim and can confirm that Skyrim doesn't need it.
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If the mods are of existing NPC's, and you have already met/encountered/entered their 'home' cell, then their appearance is stored in your savegame, you must 'reload' them to get the changes to take effect ...


Open the console ( " ~ " key normally) select the NPC (should see a number appear like 0001259b or some such) the type in "resurrect" (without the quotes) {DO NOT type in "resurrect 1" and DO NOT kill them first}


This forces the game to 'reload' the selected character, from the Skyrim.esm, however if their is a custom_follower_name.esp in the load order after Skyrim.esm, it will load the data from that file instead ...

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If the mods are of existing NPC's, and you have already met/encountered/entered their 'home' cell, then their appearance is stored in your savegame, you must 'reload' them to get the changes to take effect ...


Open the console ( " ~ " key normally) select the NPC (should see a number appear like 0001259b or some such) the type in "resurrect" (without the quotes) {DO NOT type in "resurrect 1" and DO NOT kill them first}


This forces the game to 'reload' the selected character, from the Skyrim.esm, however if their is a custom_follower_name.esp in the load order after Skyrim.esm, it will load the data from that file instead ...


By "existing" you mean vanilla? I've used face-changing mods for Mjoll, Aela and Jordis and in each case I installed the mod quite awhile after I'd met them in their home cell and never had a problem (except for load order issues with other mods that affect NPCs). I can't recall reading that requirement in the install instructions for any face-changing mods (the ones I've scoped out anyways.)


Might be worth a shot though, it's just that I find the savegame thing a bit surprising based on my own game experiences. (Which, granted, may not be universally applicable.)

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I've tried all the solutions you suggested, but none seem to work for me...


What is strange is that if i modify a NPC with the NPC Editor (not the CK) it works perfectly. But I haven't found a single NPC face mod on the nexus that works for me.


I tried the ctrl + F4 solutions in the CK, nothing.


I'm really lost Oo



Edit : after some further testing, it appears that the grey face bug is caused when changing the hair style of a NPC. I have been able to freely modify everything but the hair style (hair color works). Wtf ?! I don't have any hair mod that could conflict.

Edited by Mysterius
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