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Referencing Vendor's chest in Papyrus

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My mod uses a Quest with a form list of vendors in the Quest aliases as a reference collection and I'm trying to "get" the container that each vendor uses for a shop. So far the only consistent connection between the Actor and their vendor container that I've noticed is through a faction where vendor is set to true. Some of the containers have their shopkeepers as owners, but many do not. Is there some way to do something like


If I want to access Takahashi's container in Papyrus?


I know how to do this individually with properties, but I'm trying to do it without having to add tons of properties to my script.

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Just been through this to spawn custom aspirational and legendary vendor stock.


There is no apparent way to find vendors or their principle vendorchest, had to hardcode them in quest aliases or properties. No papyrus methods associated with the faction form vendor tab info.


There is a VendorContainerKeyword01 ... 06 which LinkRefs to the Aspirational item container for vendors that sell 'em, the contents are generated and moved to the primary trade chest OnLoad(). Reference: VendorAspirationContainerScrip, AspirationalAddItemScript


If they are workshop/settlement vendors you can get NPC and chest references by poking the workshopscript.

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