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DOOM 4 in Fallout 4


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Watching the Doom eternal gameplay was outstanding. So it makes me wish that someone could make a Doom Quest Mod in Fallout 4 and put possessed,pinkies,hell knights,barons,cacaodemons,mancubus/cybermancubus and the cyberdemon into fallout 4.Is anyone making such a mod to add at least some of the demons into fallout 4?

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I too would love to see Doom 2016 content in Fallout 4, particularly the weapons, but I don't see it happening. Not only is it a lot of work, but it couldn't be posted on Bethesda.net or the Nexus because it would be using copyrighted characters, and potentially even assets ripped straight out of the game. The best place to ask about something like that would be gunetwork (gaming underground network) because they are okay with posting mods that are banned elsewhere. Also, there is already a mod there that adds the Praetor suit from Doom 2016 to Fallout 4, as well as a mod that adds the Super Shotgun. Hope this helps.

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DOOM monsters in Creation Engine will likely be impossible for modders to make because we don't have the tooling available to make new animation skeletons. Some may be recreated (those that can use existing skeletons like a humanoid) but there's no way a modder will make a pinky demon or a cacodemon with a new animation skeleton.

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