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Oblivion Reloaded. Eh...


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Some people really seem to like the Reloaded mod for Oblivion. I guess I don't mind it, but I wanted to ask if anyone knows how to change a few things. I'm not exactly sure what they did (perhaps changed the FOV?) but now I can no longer see the weapon I'm holding. I play in first person view. That can be a problem depending on what I'm wanting to fight, and what weapon I'm wanting to use at the time. Its nice to just glance over there and see that "Oh yeah, I'm good, got my sword that can fight ghosts." So I'd like to change the weapon, and shield settings back to the old Oblivion ways. In Reloaded, your shield completely obscures your view when you block with it. I'm not sure who thought that was a good idea. Realistic or not, its really nice to be able to see when blocking. And not just see the back of your shield.


Next up, everything twitches or jiggles the screen now. Casting heal: jiggle the screen. Take two steps forward: Jiggle the screen. Go through a door: Jiggle the screen. There's a reason Bethesda didn't put that in there. For me that alone makes it where I can't use the mod. I'm also not a fan of way too much blood being sprayed on the screen when you get hit. Another thing they shouldn't have done.


All that said: I really like the graphical improvements Reloaded has made. So I wanted to ask if there was any way to change the things I mentioned. Thanks!

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All of it, yes. That's all "optional" and can be turned on/off and even configured down into the tiniest detail setting inside the respective INI files.


Refer to the manual coming with the download, or the articles and FAQ on the development site, as to what setting is found where and controls what feature in which way. (There's just too much of it to get into any detail here, especially not knowing what all you don't want/want changed in your game.)

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