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Thanks Nephenee for letting me know! I might give standalone version another shot later.(nothing goes right for me,that's too typical >_>)



About the NPC: I have the feeling (or you could call it "hope") that the ID could be found in the save file.Toaster's CSR gives me the persistent "red squadleader has vanished" after all.It recognizes that a speciffic NPC was a squadleader and that now is missing so that makes me thing that the ID has to be in there somewhere.


That being said,i wonder if i have to remake the NPC exactly as she was because,if that's the case,i don't think i can do that.Can anyone tell me if it's a must to have identical inventories,spells,AI packs (it's only natural that i'll be off in the details of them)?If "yes",would those differences matter if i'd find the NPC's ID (i want to believe in miracles)?Excuse me if those are silly questions. :sweat:



Any help would be truly welcome.Help,suggestions,anything really.

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In order for them to be recognised as the same NPC as the one in your save, they need the same reference ID (the thing you get when you click on them in the console, i.e. it's looking for Reference 00012A from your old mod, and your new NPC actually has Reference 0001F8 or whatever). You can actually edit reference IDs in TES4Edit, so it would be possible to place your new NPC in the CS, then edit the reference in TES4Edit to fix it.


Howeeeeever... you'd need to know the reference ID- and without still having the original mod, finding it is probably impossible. Brute-forcing it is effectively impossible either, as there's 16^6 reference IDs they could be (that's almost 17 million), and fishing it out of the save data would probably requre you to know the load-order position of your old mod setup and even then would be a serious challenge.


Basically, you're out of luck.

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Thank you Talkie for your reply!


About the load order,wrye bash shows it,can't that be enough? :( What is the way of fishing it out?I'll give it a shot.



Edit to add: I also wanted to ask,the heads up that CSR gives about the missing squadleader couldn't give me the ID somehow?I looked up for types of debug texts but i found nothing i could use.This might be stupid but i wouldn't even call myself an amateur. :sweat:

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Man,i found it!Thank you!The "SQV aaaSquadPeriod" command did it!


The bad news though are that i edited my npc's id and i get the same results.Is the fact that some details about her are different?Do i have to make everything identical (initial inventory,spells etc)?

There has to be a way,we managed to get the ID after all! :wallbash:


Edit: Btw,the aaasquad command worked too but it gave me only the remaining leader's ID.

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SUCCESS!! A dummy called "Legotrash" changed the id of the base instead of the existing,in-game,form! :facepalm:


I can't believe i pulled off such a miracle,many,MANY thanks to all of you for your replies! :thumbsup: One more reason to love TheTalkieToaster's CSR mod! :D




Case Solved!

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