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If you're interested in a better altar to make Black Soul Gems, try installing the "Kvatch Aftermath" mod. You'll wind up with an altar powered by a Varla Stone, so it will make Black Soul Gems 24-7. Cool idea, as there's no waiting for days like the Necromancers have to.

IS there a version 2.3 or something for that, i want "Kvatch rebuilt"

STill, I had actually made, believe it or not, 5 soul gems. Thankyou NExus forum members. I have given you all kudos.


I got a little bit confused when I read your message, because you said you want Kvatch rebuilt, and there are two mods that I know of that rebuild Kvatch, one is called Kvatch Aftermath by Giskard, and one is called Kvatch Rebuilt.. so at first I thought you meant you wanted the mod Kvatch Rebuilt instead of the mod Kvatch Aftermath.


But now I'm thinking you meant that you want to have Kvatch repaired and functioning as a normal city in your game.


Although I have not yet tried the mod Kvatch Rebuilt, I plan to play a new character in the future and I will try that mod then. I can tell you that a lot of painstaking energy was put into the Kvatch Aftermath, the city looks really great, and it functions in every aspect.



Oh and just to clarify, my first character rocks, I was very lucky with her because I did a great job creating her, without knowing jack about the game I was playing. But I've become extremely protective of her because she is so mega-awesome. There are lots of things she just will not do.


So my next character will be a dark conflicted character who is willing to do the dark-natured quests, that my current character would never do.

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