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Recipe for Optimized Energy Ammo Not Appearing


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Out of curiosity, I gave myself the Vigilant Recycler perk to check out the Optimized energy ammo recipes. But they're not there! Even if I gave myself the perk when I didn't meet the skill requirement for the recipes, they should still show up in the recipe list, right?


At first, I thought it was a mod that was doing it, because I had a mod that automatically gave you perks when you reached a certain skill level. I disabled that, but the recipes still weren't added. I even removed the perk and added it back, and they still didn't weren't there.


Do you guys have any ideas?

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If your using craft pack, I disabled most alternate ammo recipes that relied on perks as they conflicted with how I wanted to make ammo.


You still get the 2x drained cell recovery rate however, the more important part of the perk IMO...

Edited by Cyberlazy
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Well, I like the fact that you get a lot more damage for pretty much free. (.1 faster decay, if that's what the gun CND x 1.10 means)


But no, I'm not using the craft pack at the moment. I'm probably going to, though.

Edited by Portalboat
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Try cases/craft packs pulsed or modulated energy rounds.


Pulsed basicly means they have more DT reduction but do less damage (Think AP ammo)

Modulated have a DT penality but do way more damage (think HP ammo)

And then I also added regulated, Easier on the gun and slightly more damage.


Each require a standard energy ammo round and some electronics parts you can gather from just about anything that seems like it would have anything electrical in it.

Edited by Cyberlazy
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