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[PROJECT] Wars in Skyrim V


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Wait, so, will you still use Alex's characters, meshes etc. ? As in, his ideas for the characters...or make your own?


Due to the way how the file was created we have to recreate the file from scratch, but we will make it as identical as possible. If not the same :)

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Wait, so, will you still use Alex's characters, meshes etc. ? As in, his ideas for the characters...or make your own?


Due to the way how the file was created we have to recreate the file from scratch, but we will make it as identical as possible. If not the same :)

And unfortunately with the way the CK is set up it is a pain to do.

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Ok everything is set up, but it looks like the download link is broken I have reported that. That last time it took about 24 hours to fix so theoretically this should get fixed soon.

I am tired and I am going to bed As I am working during weekends the development has to be paused for until the link will be fixed.

Later D13

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Ok everything is set up, but it looks like the download link is broken I have reported that. That last time it took about 24 hours to fix so theoretically this should get fixed soon.

I am tired and I am going to bed As I am working during weekends the development has to be paused for until the link will be fixed.

Later D13


Well at least part of the development page works.

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hey guys, i was just wondering if it would be possible for you to put a quick list of things your gonna change in skyrim, e.g. leveled lists, spawn points, amount of spawns, new monsters? and other such things, because if that was up then modders could have a quick look and see if there is anything they could offer your team, which is my main idea behind it, because im not exactly sure what you'll be doing with this so it'd be nice to have an idea so that i could see what i can help you guys with, if indeed anything :)
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