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DovaFett Helm Mod Help


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I understand 3D modeling/animation and I'm familiar with a specific set of 3d tools, but I am clueless when it comes to Nifskope and Blender. I'm working on a Dova Fett Armor model and I'm wondering if anyones up for the task of making the nifskope and mod file for skyrim. I have a helmet object with a color, normal, and spec map so far. I plan on updating the maps for it but I'd like to see it in game first to see what I need to fix/do. Any help would be appreciated.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I can standalone it.

Like,ill explain...

I can put it into the game without interrupting anything inside the game itself,if that is what your looking for.

I can attach the textures add the armor settings and ship it into the game.

thats about it though.

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