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_1 nif from the _0 NEED HELP!


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Could anyone give me a short walkthrough of a method to create the _1 nif from the _0 one? Ive tried my method from fallout 3 but it doesnt work for skyrim apparently, everything between the light and heavy is terribly messed up. Tutorials or expert advice would be amazing thanks! Oh and I'm using blender for 3d modelling.

Thanks again!!

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Maybe this helps My link

I've tried to follow this guide before and it doesnt work for me. First of all I get different settings in nifskope when I get to the part after the export from blender. Secondly I've never painted weights by hand or have the slightest clue what I'm doing. I'm asking for another way because surely there is. Thank you though, this guide just never seems to work for me :(

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