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main quest querstion


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i know in iblivion the gates didnt start appearing until after you actually got martin. is skyrim the same? and what trigger it?


The main quest starts immediately in Oblivion. You escape with the emperor and he's killed and tells you to go take the amulet to martin, yadda yadda.


The main quest also starts immediately in Skyrim unless you use an alternate start mod or a heavy dose of console commands.

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i know in iblivion the gates didnt start appearing until after you actually got martin. is skyrim the same? and what trigger it?


The main quest starts immediately in Oblivion. You escape with the emperor and he's killed and tells you to go take the amulet to martin, yadda yadda.


The main quest also starts immediately in Skyrim unless you use an alternate start mod or a heavy dose of console commands.



But in Oblivion you could go to Jaffre(spelling) deliever the amelut and get the quest to get Martin and then go off adventuring without the the gates openning up. i know that for a fact cause i have doneit several times. i was wondering if skryrim was the same

Edited by dewayne3478
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Once you leave Helgen you can go wherever you want and do most of what you want. You don't have to go to Riverwood, you can go the other direction and go chop wood for a month in Falkreath instead. I usually find my way to Riften, since thats an easy place to disappear for a while.
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so i can do den and buy the house then?


You can't buy Breezehome or get Lydia as a Housecarl without talking to the Yarl first and killing that first Dragon, neither can you visit the Greybeards, and also none of the "Dragon Perches" have Dragons on them, though they will still give you the shouts. Basically you should consider the happenings at Helgen + Whiterun as the "start" of the game

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