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S.T.A.L.K.E.R clear sky


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why not a stalker forum i hear you ask , iv already searched for answers and thought i might get lucky by asking people with brains instead of long john silver and his chum blue beard.


so its a simple question iv got clear sky now this game uses a particularly nasty piece of DRM thats deeply embedded into the games code , so nasty infact windows instantly blocked it and attempted to provide a solution thats just a dead end the reason given is that it " causes system instability " now given iv just re-installed for that exact reason start up problems to be precise which caused much butt pain id have to be insane to install this tages driver and let it all happen again !


so do you know of a fix , patching the game to latest version just brings me back to same issue tage blocked no worky now there is only one known legal fix and thats to add the game to steam but i wont do that for three reasons,


1. i don't like / want steam on this pc its yet more DRM

2. kinda defeats the purpose of buying a retail/nonsteam game doesn't it

3. chances are they will just install the offending driver and send me over the edge


and the publishers/developers just stand fast behind their product claiming its flawless !


so any help or suggestions would be great.

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1 - Put game disc on floor.

2 - Jump up and down on game disc.


That's really the only other solution there is. If you're not willing to put up with Steam and not willing to put up with Tages, then you're not going to be able to play the game legally. Might as well have some fun destroying the game disc, as it's useless to you regardless.


Simple as that.

Edited by Halororor
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Be very careful about asking about ways to bypass copy protection, in most cases it's illegal and not allowed on these forums.


I'm guessing it's UAC that's bugging you about TAGES? Is it possible to add an exception so it'll accept the TAGES driver?

Sources on Steam claim that the Steam version is DRM free, even if you dislike Steam that might be the best bet to play Clear Sky without installing TAGES.

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"Be very careful about asking about ways to bypass copy protection, in most cases it's illegal and not allowed on these forums." yes I'm well aware of the T&C's and no I'm not asking how to bypass copy protection . and i think its in all cases its illegal no point in IP otherwise .


and nope its not a UAC issue its a case of windows blocking the driver required in the same way a malicious piece of software is blocked ,guess i know why it was £4.50 on amazon now the LEGAL copy i have simply will not run without the driver that windows blocked but if steam support it surely they wouldn't install that same driver to clients machines ...would they , so there has to be some sort of way to run a LEGAL copy with some sort of LEGAL replacement for this particular driver , is that clear enough to suggest I'm not attempting to pirate a £4.50 game .


but thanks all the same .




funny i was starting to have similar thoughts

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Yeah, it's definitely not a UAC error. I had it installed a few weeks ago and it ran fine.


A quick google search shows that you're not the only one experiencing issues with this Tages DRM, so I guess it's a very hit-or-miss issue.


Really sucks when DRM prevents you from playing a game. I had similar issues with a few Securom protected games over the years, the last of which was Rise and Fall: Civilizations at War. Do what I will, the Securom simply would not run on my PC, rendering the game useless. Don't even know if I still have the game, tbh.

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what no issues with it ? make me feel better tell me it was rubbish .


all i was trying to do was feed my silicon habit till arma ii drops on my mat .

Edited by davycrockett
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