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Small Problem with OnEquipped/OnUneqipped events


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Hello all. Beginner here trying to add a perk via script whenever someone equips my Shield, and remove the perk when they unequip it.


Works fine if you manually equip/unequip it. But if you say, switch to your bow (this will fire OnUnequip event as expected and take away the perk) but then switch back to a weapon/spell, it will NOT fire the OnEquipped event like it should. So you have the Shield equipped, but no perk for it do its magic until you manually uneqip and re-equip it again.


Anyone know a way around this behavior? Or a better way? Thanks.


Scriptname SomeModShieldScript extends ObjectReference  

Perk Property SomeModShieldPerk auto

Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
Debug.Notification("Shield was equipped")

Event OnUnEquipped(Actor akActor)
Debug.Notification("Shield was unequipped")

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You can put a script on the player to use OnObjectEquipped and OnObjectUnequipped - those always fire.


A better way might be to just leave your perk on the player and (depending on what your perk does) add a condition for


GetEquipped YourShield == 1

to the perk entry point or ability.

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Thanks for the guidance. I guess I'll just leave the perk on the player.


Its just a special bash it does with this Shield. I already have the GetEquipped check in the perk entry point.


I was hoping to add the perk to NPCs who may also equip the Shield, but it looks like you can't add perks to NPCs on the fly. At least I can't.

Adding it to my follower in the CK works well enough though.

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