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[LE] [Help] Bloodskal Blade Script (Power attack triggered spell)

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Hi !

First of all, i'm not a modder and bad at scripting( Just too complicated for me)

But now i'm trying to figure out how it works, so i found a Forum(Loverslab*) talking about my thoughts.

(Btw I know there was a mod called Imbued Weapons by ChizFoShiz) Like i said, i want to figure it out and learn how to do it, and put it in my weapon)

Here's what i found below:


(Link of the post by Azazellz)*Don't get in there if you are not over 18(Adult content)*




Script By Azazellz from Loverslab (It's the simple one, he said it works only with powerattacks from right hand\two handed weapon.)


Scriptname SwordEffectScript extends activemagiceffect

Spell Property SpellHoriz auto
Spell Property SpellVert auto

Actor SelfRef

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
SelfRef = akCaster
registerForAnimationEvent(SelfRef, "AttackPowerStanding_FXstart")
registerForAnimationEvent(SelfRef, "AttackPowerRight_FXstart")
registerForAnimationEvent(SelfRef, "AttackPowerLeft_FXstart")
registerForAnimationEvent(SelfRef, "AttackPowerBackward_FXstart")
registerForAnimationEvent(SelfRef, "AttackPowerForward_FXstart")

Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
;;Automatically Unregisterd when Ability Removed

Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string EventName)
if (eventName == "AttackPowerRight_FXstart") || (eventName == "AttackPowerLeft_FXstart") || (eventName == "AttackPowerBackward_FXstart")

elseif (eventName == "AttackPowerStanding_FXstart") || (eventName == "AttackPowerForward_FXstart")



Azazellz said:

When you attach this script to magic effect, click on it (in magic effect window), and select "properties" tab.

BTW, it's magic effect type script, so it should be attached to magic effect

in other words, you must not forget to make sure that when your sword is taken in hand, this magic effect with attached script also must be added to your character.

Simpliest way to do it all- use copy of vanilla "AbBlank" effect, attach one of my script to it, set what properties that you need, then make passive ability (spell) with this magic effect attached, then make perk with that spell attached, and in the end attach vanilla "silversword" script to your sword, with your new perk selected in properties.

So i did followed step by step, but nothing happened in game, and one more thing i don't understand, but i'm pretty sure i didn't equip the weapon via the console or script>> Azazellz said: Oh, and one small fact. Do not equip your sword (with attached silversword script) via console or via another script. If you do this, then when you equip the sword, no perks will be added to your character. It's limitation "on equiped" event from silversword script - it fires only with manual equipment of the item.

Before this script, i was using another one by Fg109

It works, but not perfect( Sometimes the spell didn't come out, maybe the delay of the power attack)

If you are good at scripting, please help me out :3

My english not very well, sorry about that.

Edited by JeremyBrainfood
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Just to make sure I'm reading this right -- are you basically wanting the Bloodskal sword's vert/horiz "laser" magic effect put onto another sword of your liking?


I'm only asking because if that's the case, I would look at the bloodskal sword in the Creation Kit as a reference and look at all it's dependencies, ie. it's enchantment spell and magic effects for the vertical and the horizontal "laser" effect (which I believe will have the vanilla script attached to the effect). You could duplicate the enchantment spell and magic effects of the Bloodskal sword and duplicate what sword you're wanting the effect to be on. I would open the vanilla BSK script that's in the vanilla BSK sword magic effect, copy it, create a new script with a unique script name of course, paste the vanilla script and assign the necessary properties if appropriate. Just don't forget to change the part in caps with your new script name ie. Scriptname YOURUNQIESCRIPTNAME extends activemagiceffect


I don't know if this is what you're looking for or not but I thought I would give it a shot. I'm sure the pros will be able to make a few corrects or points. Good luck!



BSK sword uses one Enchantment



...and 4 magic effects:

DLC2BloodskalBladeEffect (which runs the script for the horizontal/vertical blast effect and is a script-type MGE), DLC2BloodskalDamageFFAimedHoriz (value modifier-type MGE),

DLCBloodskalDamageFFAimedVert (value modifier-type MGE),

DLC2BloodskalEnchGlowEffect (script-type MGE).


The blade also uses a SpecialEffect>Projectile(s):



Edited by justinglen75
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Just to make sure I'm reading this right -- are you basically wanting the Bloodskal sword's vert/horiz "laser" magic effect put onto another sword of your liking?


I'm only asking because if that's the case, I would look at the bloodskal sword in the Creation Kit as a reference and look at all it's dependencies, ie. it's enchantment spell and magic effects for the vertical and the horizontal "laser" effect (which I believe will have the vanilla script attached to the effect). You could duplicate the enchantment spell and magic effects of the Bloodskal sword and duplicate what sword you're wanting the effect to be on. I would open the vanilla BSK script that's in the vanilla BSK sword magic effect, copy it, create a new script with a unique script name of course, paste the vanilla script and assign the necessary properties if appropriate. Just don't forget to change the part in caps with your new script name ie. Scriptname YOURUNQIESCRIPTNAME extends activemagiceffect


I don't know if this is what you're looking for or not but I thought I would give it a shot. I'm sure the pros will be able to make a few corrects or points. Good luck!



BSK sword uses one Enchantment



...and 4 magic effects:

DLC2BloodskalBladeEffect (which runs the script for the horizontal/vertical blast effect and is a script-type MGE), DLC2BloodskalDamageFFAimedHoriz (value modifier-type MGE),

DLCBloodskalDamageFFAimedVert (value modifier-type MGE),

DLC2BloodskalEnchGlowEffect (script-type MGE).


The blade also uses a SpecialEffect>Projectile(s):



Yeah, something like this, i was able to copy the Bloodskal effect, but the script can't be compile.

Srry for the confusing, actually i want my weapon can cast spell on power attack just like Bloodskal did( Maybe change it to fireball, ice spike, thunderbolt, etc.

btw, thanks for your help!

Edited by JeremyBrainfood
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