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My Adventure on a LoreFriendly Modded Skyrim SE


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I have a ton of questions and probably will have even more questions underway.
I'v gotten started a bit, and read up on a ton of stuff already.

So far its been a nice experience modding the SE, it has come far.

Current issue:

Player Homes!
It seems most mods have bugs, get bugged or avoid the possibility of gradually upgrading a player house as u get gold coins for it.

Suggestions for mods for each house that allows you to be and upgrade everything?
Note: I don't want fancy stuff and large living quarters in any of the houses other then them normal sizes, as I want stuff you can get later game, like Winterhold's Master Quarters to be WOW, when u get it.
So not big basements with lots of stuff. Want to keep things minimal.

Next up is Immersive Armour there are many armour types I don't find lore friendly or if they are, they don't look the part of Elder Scrolls in my eyes.
So can i edit it and delete certain armours without issues?

Dolmite weather + ELFX + Reshade + Skyrim SE Re-Engaged ENB.
Should i get ELE aswell for this?

Wildcat VS Smilodon
It seems that many prefers Wildcat with Injuries turned off, that's what I'm thinking as of now. Any reason for why i should choose Smilodon?

I have Ordinator, Imperious Races, Apocalyps, SummerMyst, ThunderChild, Andromeda.

Other suggestions that enhances the the gameplay? - Not mods that adds, but enhances or changes it.

Thanks a lot of any help! Skyrim SE is a wonder to mod so far.


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