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If I knew how, I'd do this myself...


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Hello everyone.


I have been playing DAO for several years now, and have really come to dislike Anora.


I would REALLY enjoy a mod where I could cleave that lovely head from her neck right AFTER she claims Allistair refuses the throne in her favor.


Unfortunately, I know absolutely nothing about modding. I have tried learning, but then my husband had a stroke (giving NO time to do anything but care for him) and THAT went out the door. Then when things were getting better, so I could devote SOME time, we found that he had a cancer diagnosis (AGAIN, no time to do anything). We have been very fortunate in that he seems to be recovering again, and I have a bit of time to play, but not enough to really learn anything.


I know it is asking a lot (and I have no illusions about how easy it would be) but if someone could take the time to take this project on, I would be very grateful.


Thank you for your time.

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  • 8 months later...

You're not the only one who'd love to see that happen to that insufferable...well, family friendly forum, so let's just leave it at "expletives deleted"! I've put in a request for a mod to either have Alistair (hardened) order her execution after she refuses to swear fealty to him as king, or alternatively have a mod where after she gets deposed she pulls a dagger from her sleeve & goes after him only for the Warden to take her out. I just got a new gaming PC, so once I get it up & running, I'm going to try to make these mods & others if I can master the DA Toolset so you may eventually get your wish if someone doesn't beat me to it.


Best wishes for your husband's continued recovery.



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  • 3 months later...

A mod to "either have Alistair (hardened) order her execution after she refuses to swear fealty to him as king, or alternatively have a mod where after she gets deposed she pulls a dagger from her sleeve & goes after him only for the Warden to take her out" sounds great.
Like, this is gold.

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  • 5 months later...

UPDATE: Hi to all! Well gang, I finally did it! I created a mod in which Alistair ordered Anora's execution. Just in the Epilogue by learning how to make custom slides (special thanks to Sunjammer, Sky & Kajana--I couldn't have done it without all your help; you guys are the best! :D). If anyone out there wants to learn how to make epilogue slides for this (or any purpose) just send me a PM & I'll be glad to walk you through the process I used. :smile:


As for creating an actual cutscene for the Landsmeet, it turns out that when making a cutscene--any cutscene--you are constrained by the animations contained in the Toolset. So my original idea for Anora pulling the dagger from her sleeve & going after Alistair isn't likely feasible (glad you liked the idea all the same cybermouse2--thanks for the kind words :smile:) . But there is a viable alternative. Remember the scene at the Joining where Jory briefly engages Duncan in combat before Duncan runs him through? Since those animations exist in the game, it should be possible to use them w/ Anora & the Warden swapped in for Jory & Duncan respectively. The new scene could play out as follows:


After Eamon orders the guards to take Anora into custody, Anora declares, "It will never happen. Not if the Maker himself appeared in this room and commanded it!" Cut to Anora pulling a sword like Jory did, then briefly dueling the Warden until she gets run through. Anora then collapses to the floor & dies face down in a pool of her own blood.


The only issue if Anora is executed @ the Landsmeet is that this could only work if Alistair is still alive at the end of the game so that there is someone left to rule Ferelden. Therefore any mod in which Anora dies in the Landsmeet would have to make certain that Alistair lives. The best option for that (as someone far wiser in these matters than I pointed out; thanks again Kajana! :thumbsup:) would be if it required the player to leave Alistair at the City Gates before heading into the final battle if the player refused Morrigan's offer. All the same, I'm still going to take this on. Anora deserves it & I'm certain there are plenty of those out there who would agree. :devil: I'll keep you posted!


Till next time!


Best always,



Edited by FIREFLY11
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Don't mean to spoil the revelry, but... I certainly can't be the only person here capable of a shred of compassion for Anora.


She's recently widowed and her own father played a role in it. Her father - a man who has been a hero to Ferelden, who she has always admired, who she always expected would have her back - has become so corrupt that he not only allowed her to be captured and imprisoned, he may even allow her to be killed. She's lost everything, everyone who mattered to her, and doesn't know who to trust.


If you're angry about how she responded when Ser Cauthrien caught the party rescuing her, consider her options. Had she expressed any sentiment that could have been construed as "traitorous" toward her father, she may not have survived the encounter. She was facing his head henchmen, after all. So she did the smart thing - said what she needed to say to get out of there in one piece so she could send a rescue party after the warden.


She's also been a good queen, and is quite popular with the people. That she'd want to retain that role should surprise noone.


Carry on with the hate-fest.

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