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Like it says in the title, is there a way to convert something like, for example, a CBBE Armor Item to work with UNP, or does it need to be completely overhauled? I've seen quite a few cool armor/clothing items released for CBBE, but I use UNP, so that brought up this question. Anyone know?


Thanks in advance.

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Yes, CBBE armors/clothing can be adapted to the UNP body mesh. I think you'll need a combination of Blender and Nifscope with the appropriate plug-ins. Its not my area though, so I can't give any reliable information.
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It depends on the armor mod ... Some armor mods might be converted, because the shape allows for any body mod to inserted inside them, while others have serious clipping issues. The only sure way to accomplish it is using a 3D modelling program OR ask the mod author (Very politely!) if they will make a different version.
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