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[help] Excluding mod-files with INI-file


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You are going to need to use the "Lutana functions" from the "JIP LN NVSE plugin" to get the INI file and it's contents.

* File Functions

* GetINISection

* GetINIString


just for starters. Load those "exclusion filename" strings into an array, and then check against the array as you loop through the mod-files. You could remove entries from the array as you find a match, which will gradually reduce the array to zero entries, telling you there is no longer a need to check.



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ScriptName test

array_var aExcludedMods
string_var sModName
int iNumOfLoadedMods
int iCount

Begin MenuMode 4

If (GetGameLoaded || GetGameRestarted)

let aExcludedMods := GetINISectionNames
let iNumOfLoadedMods := GetNumLoadedMods
let iCount := 00

while iCount < (iNumOfLoadedMods + 1)
let sModName := GetNthModName iCount
if eval (Ar_Find $sModName, aExcludedMods) != Ar_BadNumericIndex
let iCount += 1
print "not used " + $sModName
print "used " + $sModName
let iCount += 1


This should work, right? It seems to be working.

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That appears to cover the basics. But you only need to use one "let iCount += 1" statement, placed below the "endif" and before the "loop". You are incrementing the loop counter regardless of which result of the conditional you take. And you don't need the "Continue" unless some lower code is going to cause a "break" in the loop that you need to "skip over".


Also, develop the habit of indenting to improve readability; taking care to line up "blocks" like "IF/EndIf", "While/Loop", etc.. Not a big issue with this small script but important with more complex ones: For example:

Begin MenuMode 4

If (GetGameLoaded || GetGameRestarted)
  let aExcludedMods := GetINISectionNames
  let iNumOfLoadedMods := GetNumLoadedMods
  let iCount := 00

  while iCount < (iNumOfLoadedMods + 1)
    let sModName := GetNthModName iCount
    if eval (Ar_Find $sModName, aExcludedMods) != Ar_BadNumericIndex
      print "not used " + $sModName
      print "used " + $sModName
    let iCount += 1

Most "tabs" indent 4 spaces by default, but 2 should be your minimum.



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I'll change the code according to your recommendations and do some more test later today.


I always indent my code, but when i pasted the text, it was removed and well, I'm lazy sometimes ;)




That appears to cover the basics. But you only need to use one "let iCount += 1" statement, placed below the "endif" and before the "loop". You are incrementing the loop counter regardless of which result of the conditional you take. And you don't need the "Continue" unless some lower code is going to cause a "break" in the loop that you need to "skip over".


Also, develop the habit of indenting to improve readability; taking care to line up "blocks" like "IF/EndIf", "While/Loop", etc.. Not a big issue with this small script but important with more complex ones: For example:

Begin MenuMode 4

If (GetGameLoaded || GetGameRestarted)
  let aExcludedMods := GetINISectionNames
  let iNumOfLoadedMods := GetNumLoadedMods
  let iCount := 00

  while iCount < (iNumOfLoadedMods + 1)
    let sModName := GetNthModName iCount
    if eval (Ar_Find $sModName, aExcludedMods) != Ar_BadNumericIndex
      print "not used " + $sModName
      print "used " + $sModName
    let iCount += 1

Most "tabs" indent 4 spaces by default, but 2 should be your minimum.



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