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Inventory partially cut off


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I used this guide ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76373) which helped me to create a relatively stable modded Skyrim after not having played it for ~ 4 years.
But aside from the occasional CTD I have now a very annoying issue; The menu size is completely off and I can't use/see some options since they are off-screen. ( example : https://snag.gy/Ax2Bmz.jpg )
I've tried working it out with MCM options and I also tried several resolutions, no change.

Thanks in advance for your help

gg, Cicero

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I tried looking around , and all I saw suggested you are using an ultra wide resolution , so a resolution in the 21:9 aspect ratio

if that is indeed correct , there are several supposed fixes you could try





I never had any ultra wide screen , so I've never encountered such issues , and as such can't confirm or deny if these would actually fix your problem

but assuming I've identified the problem correctly , these are the results I found online , hopefully one would work for you

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