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Race for the Crown


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yes the victoy of the Last poster wins shell claim the Crown of the Ultimate Lounge Lord MUA HA HA HA HA HA HA


That is also part of Flints contract :teehee:

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Who cares about Flint's contract? He is not monarch of this Lounge and never can be while I am alive. He can make all kinds of assertions but they are all wind and water.
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I can say the same about you, but Flint is on a contract...Except the Monarch part.. :teehee: Edited by Thor.
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This is really getting a little personal. Clearly the pretenders to the Crown are unable to face facts.


Let me spell it out to you. Where I come from, the monarch dies in office, unless they are really a dead loss like Edward VIII we simply don't DO abdication. Even if some deluded twits do call for a younger and trendier model from time to time. I am not dead yet, ergo I am still the Queen.


Germans used to elect their monarchs, that's why the people of Germany and everywhere else that is not Britain or the US has voted for me in this poll where 99.999999999999% have voted for me and only 0..000000000001 have voted for someone else.


Therefore I win and the ruler of nexus

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Who cares about Flint's contract? He is not monarch of this Lounge and never can be while I am alive. He can make all kinds of assertions but they are all wind and water.

My queen, If we are to tell the truth, the monarch stays on the throne untill someone else overthrows him. But there's more than one way of doing so and death is only one of them.


In case of a violent overthrow when the monarch is killed, the position is taken by one of his close relatives (son/daughter) or if he doesn't have children, his spouse. If his family and friends are eradicated as well, the most powerful individual takes over. This is the safest way, the whole family is dead and there's no one left to revenge them http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif.



However, if the monarch is overthrown by a more peaceful way, for example another powerful individual gains power and decides to take everything without eradicating the royal family, that individual can forcibly seize the throne and overthrow the monarch. In that case the monarch stays alive but the individual takes control. This is not a very safe way though, the ex-monarch is still very dangerous due to his experience, connections and other still loyal, powerful individuals http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/yes.gif.


Now to the current Lounge situation:

TheCalliton took the rule although everyone voted for ginnyfizz (proof). But, due to later political changes, specifically the election of the Lounge president antonkr, the monarchy ceased to exist and democracy kicked in. Basically, queens, kings, emperors, etc. are non-existant in democracy. Anyway, recently TheCalliton gave his non-existant crown to a new non-existant dictator who leads no one in a place that doesn't exist.


If someone looks at this whole mess above, he'll say "WTF did this guy wrote http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/blink.gif?!". So to explain all this: Queen ginnyfizz was rightfully elected while TheCalliton forced his rule in his imagination. In the meantime antonkr was elected as the president and led the Lounge into an era of democracy. Later, TheCalliton abdicated from a non-existant throne of his and gave his non-existant crown to Flintlockecole who then took on the role of a non-existant imposter monarch in a no longer existing monarchism.


So technically, we're all imposters and the only way to bring back the good old days when people could just club each other to get on top is to assassinate the president. When democracy crumbles down people will demand a leader and they'll turn to monarchism for salvation.


And this whole post above was just a distraction in order to delay Thor from seeing my frying pan hitting him in the back of his head http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif. And I had time to slap brokenergy too. I sure hope it hurts.

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Werne, I do not accept that I ceased to exist. I was not overthrown except in the fevered imagination of TheCalliton, who now appears to think he is a spider. The election of the Lounge President had nothing to do with my position and did not mean that I was deposed.


Oh wait what...ah I see. Your post was a smokescreen. Let's hope the whack on the head knocked some sense into brokenergy's head. She appears to think that people other than herself have voted for her. (By the way in Britain we also used to have a Witanegemote for electing kings, and there was a good reason we got rid of it, it was nothing but chaos, no-one ever agreed the result...yadda, yadda...)

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:whistling: Yes its just all a cover For the President, i mean he's doing some unheard of things like turning the Lounge into a Police state and so on, have you heard of the protests and so on. Its the lounge version of Sopa :teehee:


Do you really want a President like that..

Extreme taxation, Dumb laws, and war, War, war... :teehee: Vodka is the Official drink now, forced into schools and so on.

But in the other hand its better then anarchy, though he made sure that each election is every 20 years :verymad:

Edited by Thor.
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Ah but stats showed by Werne that more people voted for me than for you! ANYONE WHO VOTES FOR ME WILL HAVE FREE DRINKS AND FOOD, WITH THE BEST GAMES AND MONEY! So vote for me, because you know you want to :thumbsup:
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Queen of what, the lounge?? not a chance... Hmm we might have to overthrow you some how. Or atleast take over your House lol. Lets party!!! :teehee:


We have a bigger majority.. A queen without any real support, or power, is no queen at all.

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