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Dead Money Explode in kitchen


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I have a problem with Put Down The Beast where every time i enter the Cantina to get the key to the kitchen i Explode as soon as i enter the door.

used the console command to get the key so i could try to keep playing, and explode as soon as I enter the kitchen from the Casino. used TDM to live thru that. able to turn off the the 3 valves but DOG/GOD isn't in the kitchen. used console command to end the quest and give me the key and I can leave thru any door except if i go out the Cantina door to the lobby I explode and fail heist quest.


Occasionally when i repair the gas leak it will give me the message saying the leak was fixed, but it explodes anyway, and every leak will explode unless i reload a save before entering the kitchen from the casino

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Had this problem, too so used the console lol I typed in "tai" which stops God/Dog from doing anything. Then, I went to the valves, shut them off, and viola! I also had on tdetect just in case. Hope this helps.

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Gas leaks are designed to explode if there is any electrical or open flame source. I suspect (don't wear it myself) that Power Armor may trigger it, but any gunpowder, electric, or plasma weapon discharge will as well.


Fixing the leak does not dissipate the accumulated gas.



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