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Fetch Quest Help


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Telling what things you would already be able to do would help in helping ;)


It's a real pain to write here a complete walkthrough.


OK well i can make a quest, but dont know how to make getting six deer hide a quest. Im sure i could make a unique deer hide, and link it as a quest item, but I want any deer skin you get hunting, to count as one of six. When you get six, you can complete quest.

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This goes in the "radiant story" field.


A similar quest to yours is "FreeformRiften04", where you have to pickup 20 nirnroots.


I'm not able to give you a specific walkthrough, but things you'd have to handle will be:


- global variable (the deer hide count)


- a script that knows when you pickup a deer hide and updates the count


- text replacement tags for the objective


- a radiant alias that will be filled with evey object matching conditions (so you have to find condition that will make only deer hides match)

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