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I screwed up some of the vanilla game and I don't want to delete m


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Yea so I really worked hard on this mod and refuse to start over and apparently I don't know how but there's a bunch of mistakes in the vanilla parts even ones that I didn't touch , I have know idea how I managed to do that but I need some ideas or some input into this. Is there a way to save just my mod and fix all other problems?... I tried to do it through the CK in data details but I don't know to much about that, maybe some insight or a tutorial with that might help. Well I can't think of anything else to say about it but if I think of something I will update this. PLEASE HELP.
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Tutorial - Cleaning Mods with the CK


Btw, the CK automatically creates backups of your mods. Look in the Backups folder (it's either in your root Skyrim folder or the Data folder, I forget which).

Ok I looked it over and it helped a little I'm not done trying to fix it though but I need to ask you something ; I think I may have deleted some of the vanilla game on accident, how can I get it back?

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2) Double-check that you've backed up your mod :biggrin:

3) Open the CK, then from the "File->Data..." dialogue select Skyrim.esm and load it. Then right-click twice on your mod so that it is the active file.

4) Click the "Details..." button. The "File Details" window will open.

5) Scroll down the list and see if you can identify the edits where you "deleted" vanilla objects (this can be somewhat difficult to get right, there's a trial-and-error factor here. Be careful). A deleted or modified object will usually start with REFR and it will be among the edited CELL/GRUP entries.

6) If you identify these changes, click on that line then hit the Delete key on your keyboard. A "Mark As Ignored?" dialogue will pop up. Click YES. Do this for all the changes, then close the window.

7) Back at the Data window which shows all the Plugin/Master files, click OK. Your mod will load.

8) Once your mod has reloaded, immediately click on the save icon.

9) Test your mod in Skyrim and make sure that the changes have been undone properly and that the ignored changes haven't created any new problems.

10) If anything is still messed up, well you have your backup so you can try again.


PS. Some modders have reported some problems in these forums with random vanilla objects being in the wrong position even though they haven't made any edits to that cell... I've just found a weird bug in the mod I'm developing, there's a log floating high in the air in a cell I never touched, but the log looks fine in the CK. In the CK the log is in its correct position on the ground. :confused:

Edited by steve40
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2) Double-check that you've backed up your mod :biggrin:

3) Open the CK, then from the "File->Data..." dialogue select Skyrim.esm and load it. Then right-click twice on your mod so that it is the active file.

4) Click the "Details..." button. The "File Details" window will open.

5) Scroll down the list and see if you can identify the edits where you "deleted" vanilla objects (this can be somewhat difficult to get right, there's a trial-and-error factor here. Be careful). A deleted or modified object will usually start with REFR and it will be among the edited CELL/GRUP entries.

6) If you identify these changes, click on that line then hit the Delete key on your keyboard. A "Mark As Ignored?" dialogue will pop up. Click YES. Do this for all the changes, then close the window.

7) Back at the Data window which shows all the Plugin/Master files, click OK. Your mod will load.

8) Once your mod has reloaded, immediately click on the save icon.

9) Test your mod in Skyrim and make sure that the changes have been undone properly and that the ignored changes haven't created any new problems.

10) If anything is still messed up, well you have your backup so you can try again.


PS. Some modders have reported some problems in these forums with random vanilla objects being in the wrong position even though they haven't made any edits to that cell... I've just found a weird bug in the mod I'm developing, there's a log floating high in the air in a cell I never touched, but the log looks fine in the CK. In the CK the log is in its correct position on the ground. :confused:

To be honest the things I deleted are no longer there because CK crashed on me after I made the edits, so do you know of any way to copy and past my mod or anything like that any way just to keep the work ive done and bring back the vanilla and then past my mod in or something like that? I ve tied to open a second window in CK and it doesn't open, if I can do that some how than I know I can fix it?

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If the CK crashed in the same session in which you accidentally deleted the vanilla objects, then those changes were lost, so the objects weren't really deleted. Just reload your mod and re-do whatever edits you need that were lost in the crash. There's no way to recover unsaved edits.
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