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Not being added to factions such as "playerfaction" (some work, some dont)


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Im not sure if anyone else has experience but in my past playthroughs i have had problems with my character not being part of player faction and not being added to some other factions (some work, some dont). I have a lot of mods and i have been looking through google but no one else seems to have ever had this issue which is why tracking down why this happens has been impossible even from my modlist nothing stands out. Ill take any help at this point on the matter. Zero info found on google searches and trying to figure out what mod could cause it on my own is pretty impossible as nothing stands out to my eye even after looking at my modlist 20 times over my playthrough. I did find awnsers on the issue where even the greybeards at the start attacked me if i shouted at them till i added myself to their faction, i have to use console to fix this bug all the time.


My modlist alongside ini files:



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I've been having this same problem, I checked what mods we have in common and I believe Death is Highly Overrated Redone (cursed.esp) has something to do with it. I found this post describing the same issue on the mod page: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5309890-death-is-highly-overrated-redone/page-19&do=findComment&comment=60112876


If I find a solution I'll let you know.


Edit: Yeah, it's cursed.esp, it removes the player from all factions when you revive from bleedout.


Edit 2: Temporary fix that I'm not 100% sure won't break something else, type "set firsttime to -1" in the console when you first load a save and it should bypass the piece of code that resets the factions.

Edited by Kirel
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