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Ways to reduce settlement quests...


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I'm just about to start my second play through but want to reduce the number of settlement quests.


In my last game I got to a point where I just seemed to get them back to back and couldn't get through one before another one popped up on my HUD.


Are there ways to reduce these?


I'm looking at the We are the Minute Men mod, which seems to address the problem, and I was going to install BS Defence, so that I can ignore some of the defence missions.


Are there other mods or other ways of dealing with the high number of settlement quests in the mid to late game?

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There are a few, can't remember the name of the mod I'm thinking of, but there is one that outright disables the missions from Pres(smybut)ton. There is also this mod which is probably what you are after: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10339/?

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There are a few, can't remember the name of the mod I'm thinking of, but there is one that outright disables the missions from Pres(smybut)ton. There is also this mod which is probably what you are after: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10339/?


lol, thanks, that looks like just the thing. :D


Now we just need one to chill Marcy out. :smile:


Edit: Found this one also: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/33651

Edited by GenkiM
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