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The problem with functions and C programming!

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Hey guys been looking on the web again with no luck:(,but thankfully there is a great helpful community within the nexus forums.

Ok now to get to the point:

I have been trying to make a simple game with smiley faces (ascii codes 1 and 2) each different face with different attributes health,strength ,etc and each time you fight some face smaller than you your attributes increase allowing you to fight bigger faces,now iv got a lot of ideas on the subject a couple of structs,arrays,etc

But one thing I can't get right is having your 'face' move with using the arrow keys ok its not using the arrow keys that's got me but its having to make the face move in x,y co-ordinates I have had a look at lots of source code from snake games but all of them use goto xy and if I try compilng those source codes I get an undeclared function error even with the given header files included,I'm using code blocks 10.05 and write in C,

Does anyone have any ideas on what function(s) I could use?please and thank you in advance:) (I just typed that on my blackberrys qwerty keyboard so my fingers are done for lol)

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Sorry but isn't graphics.h only available on systems before xp? I have tried to compile other c programs with graphics.h header with no success or does writing 'through' directx let you include it?sorry for all the questions
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