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Help with combining 2 meshes...


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Hi everybody...


I'm trying to make a Voodoo Teddy Bear. So I combined a Teddy Bear mesh with Curtain Rod mesh (nvgomorrahstagecurtainrod.nif) in NifSkope but the results were... well, as you can see on the picture, the Voodoo Teddy has a nail in his heart (actually, I'd like to add more nails but it's not a good idea since I got problems with only this one :laugh: )...




... but in GECK the Teddy has the nail somewhere else. :laugh:




Because I lack the appropriate skills, I can't figure out what's the problem. Please, help somebody...

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Um, Whats wrong? Other then the nail is missing texture, likey because it can't find the correct file, or you copyed the vertices over into the same 'mesh' but erased the UV's (they would not work correctly anyway).


Easiest way is have two objects in the nif file, one for each texture needed. (One for bear, one for all the nails)

Best way is to totaly redo all the UV's and remap the nail into the texture sheet

Middle ground is redo the UV's on the 'nail' to try and use some spare space in the existing texture sheet, or some existing texture in the texture sheet.


PS: Be warned, that nail should really only be a few polys because of its small size and I bet by using a larger model and scaling it down, that nail is actualy hundreds of polys. Copying it many times would be a bad idea.

Edited by Cyberlazy
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Thanks but I don't understand what you're talking about. There's nothing wrong with UVs. The main problem is that nail isn't attached to Teddy. Here's my nif, so you can look at it by yourself, if you have some spare time...



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