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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Hamon Mod


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Those of you who aren't aware of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure may be confused to see this topic. The series all in all can't be explained simply so we will focus on the area that concerns this mod request. In Jojo's,


Hamon is a breathing technique that has restorative properties to the living and melts the undead near instantly. The main antagonist in the parts which Hamon was in use were vampires, and as Skyrim has


been out for around 7 years and this topic has never sprung up, I thought it would be worth making a post over. Hamon is a utility in many different ways that your eyes would glaze over from me just listing them


here so I will post below a video of Hamon in use as well as some gifs and a wiki page to cover all the information one would need to make a replicating mod for this. I am aware of the Arcane Fist mod, but that


misses the point of this request, as that spell mod is far too destructive.



(It should be noted that to use Hamon, the user has to breathe to charge the energy)



Hamon used against Vampire ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqc_27cpQ80 )


Hamon Wiki ( http://jojo.wikia.com/wiki/Ripple )


Hamon Compilation [if you're into that] ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxr6bRn7OEY )



Hamon in use for combat





Hamon Breathing





As final remarks, feel free to leave your opinions on the idea and how it can be improved or changed. Thanks for sticking through this far!




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