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Creation Kit and Prison Cells


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Having a bit of an issue in CK. I've placed an follower in a prison cell with a locked door. The door requires a key to get in or out, and another NPC has the key. The whole point was to defeat three NPC's to get the key, unlock the door, and get a follower. Well, for some reason, the follower isn't in the cell, but is with the NPC's, fighting them, rendering the prison cell useless.


Does anyone know how to make it so they do not interact with the surrounding area or attack enemies while locked in a prison cell, but will interact/attack when following the player?

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I don't know how much help I can offer, but I think there is one thing I can help with here; I'm working on a crime and punishment overhaul mod, on feature of the mod was to add NPCs to the existing prisons, and I also had the problem you described (that the NPCs weren't staying in the cell). I solved this by placing an 'X marker' in the middle of the cell, and using an AI package telling the NPCs to stay within a certain distance of that X marker. Pull up the Riften jail in the CK, and look at the setup for the NPCs there. I basically just copied the AI packages they were using.


As far as the NPCs fighting with each other, that sounds like a faction issue, but I don't have much expertise in that area, I'm afraid.

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Thanks, I'll try that and see if it works. And yes, it was a faction issue. I thought that might be the case, but now two of the 3 enemy NPC's just walk around and won't attack anyone, including the player. Not sure why though.

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Might've gone wrong somewhere. Upon loading the cell, I was spawned in the prison cell, not the follower, who was on the other side of the room. I fixed the other NPC's though. They will now attack the player.

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