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Scripting help needed


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EDIT; Problem solved ty


I have created a new piece of "Furniture". a "pool raft"

NPCs can use it just fine.

However, due to its position in world space, (height issue caused by being placed in water)

Players can not enter properly, I have solved this problem with a simple script that moves the player into position.


1 problem left is, If the Player "activates" an occupied raft, it still moves the player. (Not into "laydown" beside occupant, Just standing on top of occupant).

And yes, without my script the normal "someone is already using this" is present, and functioning. Just like regular furniture.



so... There then must be an occupancy check I can run in my script .....(because before my script something was checking it)


Does anyone know what might be?


Thanks, RIP88


Ps. my script for reference

ObjectReference Property MoveToMarker Auto 
{where to move the Player}

auto state waiting
   EVENT onActivate(objectReference akActionRef)
   Actor triggerActor = akActionRef as Actor

      ; Test to make sure its the Player
      If akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()

      ; move the actor


Edited by rip88
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