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Showracemenu glitch/bug/dont know!


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I was using my character normally ,created through race menu and racemenu plugin.
later i have decided that the hair i choose doesn't look so good on my chara so i went to console, and used showracemenu, picked the other hair and confirm name,enter and then the problem showed after i went to the story progress where i need to fight the mobs.

I was standing 2-3 feet away from the enemy and attack them like i had telekinetic attack,so do the mobs the same ,we were fighting normaly 2-3 feet away from each other and recieve a hit like we were so close to each other in melee fight ofcourse.

So my problem is that. I want to fix it if anyone ever run into that kind of problem without starting a new game if its possible.

This happens not this time only, few times hapened after i use console command and changed the character appearance or gender, so i guess showracemenu has problems and it is not safe to use.

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I have found out that ,after you choose first time the race and gender, and then use showracemenu later, if you pick opposite gender from yours and decide to modify hair,eyes,mouth..etc and when you press done, after your next encounter whatever you hit with melee is from far distance.
Is there a fix for this,anyone know?

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