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Movement buff when you...


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Could someone make a mod to where if you've been running or sprinting for three seconds, you'll gain a 15% - 30% boost in speed (whichever is reasonable so its not faster than a horse), but you'll lose it if you stop running, sprinting.

Edited by Kolagon
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What you're trying to do is relatively easy if you build the effect as either a spell or an ability. These directions assume a basic knowledge of creation kit, which can be gained at www.creationkit.com if not already possessed.


To do so:

You can make a perk that increases your movement speed, and then reference it under new a magical effect that is either a Self Fire and Forget (for a spell/potion) or Self and Constant Effect (for an ability) to apply that perk.

You create a new spell or ability again with either Self FF or Self Constant Effect to reference your custom effect. Here you'll also have the option of setting Conditions, which I'm almost certain there's one for when the player is sprinting, so you'd make the conditional statement essentially require your player to sprint for the effect to be activated which then activates the perk that actually makes you faster.


You then have to determine how your character will get the ability or spell/potion based n how you want it to be administered, hell you could even make it a custom enchant for on your boots if you'd like as well. But once you have a means of getting your ability/spell to your player then you're good to go, and it just comes down to fine tuning to the speed you want.


Also make sure, unless you want it to apply, that your effect does not have a School of Magic, the reason I say that so you shouldn't have any issues with Potions to boost spell magnitude or other mod's custom enchantments that will make your effect overpowered so you can't control your speed while sprinting.


Other than a little bit of searching on creationkit.com, and playing around in the actual creation kit and some testing, you're looking at about ~5-10 minutes of work.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i'm sorry but i'd rather not do it myself, I mean I have tried before but the method of making a script that activates automaticly when certain requirements are reached is too complicated and frustrating for me to learn. Now, if Skyrim was more like Oblivion, then I would of made a fortify speed ring I can put on and remove via hotkey.

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