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[LE] CK problem Char.Gen Morph options greyed out. HELP!


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I have been working on my new PC that is really high tech Windows 10 gaming, graphics card the highest I could buy 1080 and the CK is working pretty good except for one thing.


I have searched the web to see if I could find a solution to my slight problem but no luck.


In CK Skyrim some of the facial options are greyed out? On the second page (Char Gen Morph page,) where you can adjust the facial features like the eyes, nose, chin etc some of the buttons are greyed out for me such as the brow, chin, cheekbone, and jaw. Also I noticed when clicking to open up the character rather it's my own creation actor or the games NPC's when you open the first page of the facial features char gen morph tab it looks like the box that renders the head/body is overlapping the other buttons to? Now before you all ask, yes I did uninstall and reinstall CK it didn't fix anything? Any suggestions?


Windows update was causing this issue deleted said update CK works good again.

Edited by sexyangel
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