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"VLASCHEV THE SELL-SWORD" - New Hireling Follower

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:excl: "VLASCHEV THE SELL-SWORD" - BETA Testing - Help Required! :excl:




Your help is needed, Nexus-ites! :)


I have made a new Hireling/Follower - "Vlaschev the Sell-Sword". He can be found drinking at "The Bannered Mare" in Whiterun.


He's very nearly ready for full release! BUT - here's the thing...



When I already *have* a follower, he is available for hire. When I *dismiss* my current follower and attempt to hire Vlaschev, the only option available is "Another time, perhaps."


I've checked other Hirelings, & my mod doesn't seem to be missing anything that might be causing this. I can't work out what the problem is... :huh:






As you can see, all looks well. He even has a good series of NPC banter options as well, which sound great (no mystery here - I found he generated these automatically!)


He is wearing rahman530's "Lore Friendly Ancient Barbarian" armour. I repackaged the best male armours in that set as an .esm so I could mod NPC's using them, and made a special outfit in the CK so that my new Hireling would equip the Ancient Nord Barbarian (Heavy) set by default. I am conveniently packaging all the required resources together with my mod so that this new follower will work and look exactly like the screenshots for all new users. This is done in accordance with the permissions granted by the original author of the armour mod.


THE DOWNLOAD LINK IS THE HEADER AT THE TOP OF THE POST! Please test him out, and/or open him up in the CK, & let me know if you spot the problem - many thanks in advance!!!!! :happy:

Edited by FastestDogInTheDistrict
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